The next morning, the young man tells his coach that he has improved his skill in the game of snooker. He tells the coach to get up and train. The coach tells him to pocket all six colored balls, which are worth 27 points in total. The young man thinks that this is a good idea, but the coach points out that it's not. It's a bad idea to pocket a black ball, for example, because the player will be on the run from the yellow for the rest of the game. The next day, the coach tells his student that he needs to pick up his instructor from school, because he's still a student. The tutor tells him that he can't go back to school because his dad has scheduled a class.
The next morning, the young man tells his coach that he has improved his skill in the game of snooker. He tells the coach to get up and train. The coach tells him to pocket all six colored balls, which are worth 27 points in total. The young man thinks that this is a good idea, but the coach points out that it's not. It's a bad idea to pocket a black ball, for example, because the player will be on the run from the yellow for the rest of the game. The next day, the coach tells his student that he needs to pick up his instructor from school, because he's still a student. The tutor tells him that he can't go back to school because his dad has scheduled a class.