In the morning, the mermaid wakes up to find that she's been woken up by a strange creature. She's not sure what's going on, but she knows that it's a jellyfish, and she wants to know how to get rid of it. She tells the fish not to get too close to the thing, because the guy selling it said it was dangerous, and the mermaid doesn't want to sell it to scientists, since they're not allowed to make any money by selling it to the poor. The mermaid says that if she gets lost or caught, she'll use her blood to bug the bad guys and find her no matter where she is.
In the morning, the mermaid wakes up to find that she's been woken up by a strange creature. She's not sure what's going on, but she knows that it's a jellyfish, and she wants to know how to get rid of it. She tells the fish not to get too close to the thing, because the guy selling it said it was dangerous, and the mermaid doesn't want to sell it to scientists, since they're not allowed to make any money by selling it to the poor. The mermaid says that if she gets lost or caught, she'll use her blood to bug the bad guys and find her no matter where she is.