After killing a thousand demons with the barrier practice, Quingyu feels that he has killed a lot of them in the combat. He compares the last strike of the battle to the equivalent of killing half a year of his life. He tells the cadets that he is dying and that they should help him. He says that he was one of the first to attack and stab his fellow cadets, and he is also the one who is to blame for the attack. The cadets tell him that they will take care of him, and that he should shut up. They also tell him to stop laughing about the wrongs that have been done. They say that he will be held in prison for three months. The puppy datou will be expelled from the academy, and nothing will happen.
After killing a thousand demons with the barrier practice, Quingyu feels that he has killed a lot of them in the combat. He compares the last strike of the battle to the equivalent of killing half a year of his life. He tells the cadets that he is dying and that they should help him. He says that he was one of the first to attack and stab his fellow cadets, and he is also the one who is to blame for the attack. The cadets tell him that they will take care of him, and that he should shut up. They also tell him to stop laughing about the wrongs that have been done. They say that he will be held in prison for three months. The puppy datou will be expelled from the academy, and nothing will happen.