The Encounter with Fox

The Encounter with Fox • Season 2 Chapter 57 • Page ik-page-3452362
The Encounter with Fox • Season 2 Chapter 57 • Page ik-page-3452374
The Encounter with Fox • Season 2 Chapter 57 • Page ik-page-3452376
The Encounter with Fox • Season 2 Chapter 57 • Page ik-page-3452355
Season 2 Chapter 57
This is a locked chapterSeason 2 Chapter 57
About This Chapter
This chapter's epigraph comes from a poem by a famous poet, Henry David Thoreau. The poem is about a young woman who has been transformed from a fox to a human. The young woman, named yue ya, is the heir to the fox clan and is the best candidate for the throne.
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The Encounter with Fox

The Encounter with Fox • Season 2 Chapter 57 • Page ik-page-3452362
The Encounter with Fox • Season 2 Chapter 57 • Page ik-page-3452374
The Encounter with Fox • Season 2 Chapter 57 • Page ik-page-3452376
The Encounter with Fox • Season 2 Chapter 57 • Page ik-page-3452355
Season 2 Chapter 57
This is a locked chapterSeason 2 Chapter 57
About This Chapter
This chapter's epigraph comes from a poem by a famous poet, Henry David Thoreau. The poem is about a young woman who has been transformed from a fox to a human. The young woman, named yue ya, is the heir to the fox clan and is the best candidate for the throne.
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