In this short scene, the fourth brother, disguised as a little boy named Dosai, tells his older brother, whom he calls "tian" , that he is in such a bad mood that he wants to die. Dosai tells him that after his death, he will become an adult, and that he will want to be a girl. He tells Dosai that if he does not become a girl, then he will grow up to be an adult. When Dosai asks if Dosai wants to become a boy, Dosai says that he does, and Dosai then asks Dosai why he suddenly changed his mind about becoming a boy. He says that if it were not for Dosai's protective charm, little Dosai would not have been able to grow up.
In this short scene, the fourth brother, disguised as a little boy named Dosai, tells his older brother, whom he calls "tian" , that he is in such a bad mood that he wants to die. Dosai tells him that after his death, he will become an adult, and that he will want to be a girl. He tells Dosai that if he does not become a girl, then he will grow up to be an adult. When Dosai asks if Dosai wants to become a boy, Dosai says that he does, and Dosai then asks Dosai why he suddenly changed his mind about becoming a boy. He says that if it were not for Dosai's protective charm, little Dosai would not have been able to grow up.