Stop It, Mr. Taoist Priest • Chapter 40 • Page ik-page-2462986
Stop It, Mr. Taoist Priest • Chapter 40 • Page ik-page-2462987
Stop It, Mr. Taoist Priest • Chapter 40 • Page ik-page-2462988
Chapter 40
This is a locked chapterChapter 40
About This Chapter
The little rascal asks the big demon why he has to stay in the forest. The big demon tells him that he needs to leave for revenge. He tells the little rascal that if he is afraid to leave, he will not stop him from doing so. He says that if it is only for revenge, then he will be okay with it. He explains that humans are foolish to support bad things, even if they are not evil. He adds that if the trap is set to capture them, then they must be chased from the forest once they have harmed humans.
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Stop It, Mr. Taoist Priest • Chapter 40 • Page ik-page-2462986
Stop It, Mr. Taoist Priest • Chapter 40 • Page ik-page-2462987
Stop It, Mr. Taoist Priest • Chapter 40 • Page ik-page-2462988
Chapter 40
This is a locked chapterChapter 40
About This Chapter
The little rascal asks the big demon why he has to stay in the forest. The big demon tells him that he needs to leave for revenge. He tells the little rascal that if he is afraid to leave, he will not stop him from doing so. He says that if it is only for revenge, then he will be okay with it. He explains that humans are foolish to support bad things, even if they are not evil. He adds that if the trap is set to capture them, then they must be chased from the forest once they have harmed humans.
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