Stop It, Mr. Taoist Priest • Chapter 11 • Page ik-page-1601009
Stop It, Mr. Taoist Priest • Chapter 11 • Page ik-page-1601010
Stop It, Mr. Taoist Priest • Chapter 11 • Page ik-page-1601011
Chapter 11
This is a locked chapterChapter 11
About This Chapter
This chapter opens with a description of the theme of the play, which is "The soul that hath walked for one thousand years" . It is obvious that the theme is about the soul of the past, which has walked for thousands of years, and the soul that has lived in the present, in which it has lived for only a few thousand years. The narrator asks the protagonist why he chose this theme, and he answers that he does not believe in the future or present life, but dreams of scenes from long ago. He also says that the people in the dream should be European and American, because he is half-Egyyptian, and as such, as long as he has inspiration, race does not matter. He then tells the protagonist that if he wants to do the audition, he can do it in the dressing room, and they will sign a contract with him immediately. The dressing room is full of makeup artists, who are trying to make the protagonist's skin look good. The protagonist is amazed at how well the makeup artists are doing, but he is also disappointed that the master is frozen. He tries to get the master to try something, but the master's kick is so high that it makes the protagonist turn around and look at the photo studio.
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Stop It, Mr. Taoist Priest • Chapter 11 • Page ik-page-1601009
Stop It, Mr. Taoist Priest • Chapter 11 • Page ik-page-1601010
Stop It, Mr. Taoist Priest • Chapter 11 • Page ik-page-1601011
Chapter 11
This is a locked chapterChapter 11
About This Chapter
This chapter opens with a description of the theme of the play, which is "The soul that hath walked for one thousand years" . It is obvious that the theme is about the soul of the past, which has walked for thousands of years, and the soul that has lived in the present, in which it has lived for only a few thousand years. The narrator asks the protagonist why he chose this theme, and he answers that he does not believe in the future or present life, but dreams of scenes from long ago. He also says that the people in the dream should be European and American, because he is half-Egyyptian, and as such, as long as he has inspiration, race does not matter. He then tells the protagonist that if he wants to do the audition, he can do it in the dressing room, and they will sign a contract with him immediately. The dressing room is full of makeup artists, who are trying to make the protagonist's skin look good. The protagonist is amazed at how well the makeup artists are doing, but he is also disappointed that the master is frozen. He tries to get the master to try something, but the master's kick is so high that it makes the protagonist turn around and look at the photo studio.
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