The nian beast, a legendary monster, will appear in the new year and devour humans. In order to protect the towns, the priests have to eliminate it. The taoist monk tells the monk that the beast has been asleep for some time, but that it has awakened some time ago. The monk wonders if the beast started eating people after coming in, and the monk wonders whether the floor was again covered with blood. He asks the monk if there is any way a horror film could have started during the middle of the New Year's celebration, and if the blood on the floor could be the result of the beast's power. He wonders if it was a dog that attacked him, and wonders if he is not dead yet. He goes on to explain that he went out to buy a special dog, and that the dog knocked him out in one blow. He wishes the monk a happy New Year, and says that the demon power of this beast might not be as strong as it should be, but he does not sense anything. The priest asks if there has been any noise of firecrackers in the last two days, but the monk points out that there was no sound on the first new year day. He explains that there are equipments in the game that allow the monk to set off celebratory firecrackers, and he wants to try it out. He says that he is an ancient beast, but human beings are too difficult to deal with nowadays.
The nian beast, a legendary monster, will appear in the new year and devour humans. In order to protect the towns, the priests have to eliminate it. The taoist monk tells the monk that the beast has been asleep for some time, but that it has awakened some time ago. The monk wonders if the beast started eating people after coming in, and the monk wonders whether the floor was again covered with blood. He asks the monk if there is any way a horror film could have started during the middle of the New Year's celebration, and if the blood on the floor could be the result of the beast's power. He wonders if it was a dog that attacked him, and wonders if he is not dead yet. He goes on to explain that he went out to buy a special dog, and that the dog knocked him out in one blow. He wishes the monk a happy New Year, and says that the demon power of this beast might not be as strong as it should be, but he does not sense anything. The priest asks if there has been any noise of firecrackers in the last two days, but the monk points out that there was no sound on the first new year day. He explains that there are equipments in the game that allow the monk to set off celebratory firecrackers, and he wants to try it out. He says that he is an ancient beast, but human beings are too difficult to deal with nowadays.