The scene opens with a conversation between Hiroyuki, a member of the school's sanitary committee, and a student named Arin. Hiroyuki tells Arin that he's from class 3, and that he knows a friend of Arin's in class 4. Arin tells Hiroyuki that he has information about Clydy, and he can use this information to help him win money at the yard team competition. Hiroyasu, the student who is in charge of the meeting, is impressed by the friendly exchange between Arin and Hiroyuki. He wonders why Arin is so friendly with him, and wonders if it's because she's breaking up with him.
The scene opens with a conversation between Hiroyuki, a member of the school's sanitary committee, and a student named Arin. Hiroyuki tells Arin that he's from class 3, and that he knows a friend of Arin's in class 4. Arin tells Hiroyuki that he has information about Clydy, and he can use this information to help him win money at the yard team competition. Hiroyasu, the student who is in charge of the meeting, is impressed by the friendly exchange between Arin and Hiroyuki. He wonders why Arin is so friendly with him, and wonders if it's because she's breaking up with him.