The next morning, Aisya99 receives a strange call from a man who calls himself the father of a candidate for mother of the year. He tells her that she should be careful around her future husband because he might be a rival for her mother's hand in marriage. She wonders if the man is trying to give her a hint that she needs to find her mother. He must know that she is struggling right now, and he must be hinting that he knows she is in a tough spot. The man's voice is rough, but the connection is bad, so he must have been calling from the future. He might be trying to hint that he needs to look for his mother, or he might have been joking about his future wife. He is not sure why he made the call, but he wonders if it was a spam call or a wrong one. He wonders if there is a love triangle going on between his future husband and his mother-in- law, and if he was trying to joke about his wife's future husband in order to get her to marry him.
The next morning, Aisya99 receives a strange call from a man who calls himself the father of a candidate for mother of the year. He tells her that she should be careful around her future husband because he might be a rival for her mother's hand in marriage. She wonders if the man is trying to give her a hint that she needs to find her mother. He must know that she is struggling right now, and he must be hinting that he knows she is in a tough spot. The man's voice is rough, but the connection is bad, so he must have been calling from the future. He might be trying to hint that he needs to look for his mother, or he might have been joking about his future wife. He is not sure why he made the call, but he wonders if it was a spam call or a wrong one. He wonders if there is a love triangle going on between his future husband and his mother-in- law, and if he was trying to joke about his wife's future husband in order to get her to marry him.