She’s The Mom Candidate

She’s The Mom Candidate • Season 2 Chapter 87 • Page ik-page-1934030
She’s The Mom Candidate • Season 2 Chapter 87 • Page ik-page-1934031
She’s The Mom Candidate • Season 2 Chapter 87 • Page ik-page-1934032
She’s The Mom Candidate • Season 2 Chapter 87 • Page ik-page-1934033
Season 2 Chapter 87
This is a locked chapterSeason 2 Chapter 87
About This Chapter
After the performance, Mr. and Mrs. Yeo discuss the changes that have occurred around him. The bulletin board is overflowing with requests for talk sessions with the president. Mr. Yeo tells his son that his performance is so powerful that it would be great if the president saw it. He also tells him that he received a message from the president earlier in the day. The vice president says that he will take a break from the office since there are no big events for a while. He says that the president usually stops by the office no matter what happens, but he is glad that she doesn't stop by. He looks at the fan letters that have been written about his performance and wonders if he is an idol. The students who wrote these fan letters have watched his performance, but the performance itself wouldn't have existed if it weren't for sia's involvement. The relationship between the mom candidates, he says, would have happened because he was thinking of nana. But after the performance , she did not show a meaningful reaction. He is surprised that he was surprised at all. He thinks that he and his son have flirted a lot before, but now that he has flirted so much, he thinks that they need to take more time to think about it.
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She’s The Mom Candidate

She’s The Mom Candidate • Season 2 Chapter 87 • Page ik-page-1934030
She’s The Mom Candidate • Season 2 Chapter 87 • Page ik-page-1934031
She’s The Mom Candidate • Season 2 Chapter 87 • Page ik-page-1934032
She’s The Mom Candidate • Season 2 Chapter 87 • Page ik-page-1934033
Season 2 Chapter 87
This is a locked chapterSeason 2 Chapter 87
About This Chapter
After the performance, Mr. and Mrs. Yeo discuss the changes that have occurred around him. The bulletin board is overflowing with requests for talk sessions with the president. Mr. Yeo tells his son that his performance is so powerful that it would be great if the president saw it. He also tells him that he received a message from the president earlier in the day. The vice president says that he will take a break from the office since there are no big events for a while. He says that the president usually stops by the office no matter what happens, but he is glad that she doesn't stop by. He looks at the fan letters that have been written about his performance and wonders if he is an idol. The students who wrote these fan letters have watched his performance, but the performance itself wouldn't have existed if it weren't for sia's involvement. The relationship between the mom candidates, he says, would have happened because he was thinking of nana. But after the performance , she did not show a meaningful reaction. He is surprised that he was surprised at all. He thinks that he and his son have flirted a lot before, but now that he has flirted so much, he thinks that they need to take more time to think about it.
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