A Predator in a Skirt • Chapter 134 • Page ik-page-5131726
Chapter 134
This is a locked chapterChapter 134
About This Chapter
The narrator tells us that the main reason that Nemo got bullied was because she was seen as a predator in her skirt. The narrator says that Nemo learned that rejection hurts a lot, so she tells her that she doesn't mind anymore, even if it means she's going to have to give up some of her favorite things. Nemo says that he's not going to play with her anymore, because he feels like they're the same thing.
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A Predator in a Skirt • Chapter 134 • Page ik-page-5131726
Chapter 134
This is a locked chapterChapter 134
About This Chapter
The narrator tells us that the main reason that Nemo got bullied was because she was seen as a predator in her skirt. The narrator says that Nemo learned that rejection hurts a lot, so she tells her that she doesn't mind anymore, even if it means she's going to have to give up some of her favorite things. Nemo says that he's not going to play with her anymore, because he feels like they're the same thing.
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