A Predator in a Skirt • Chapter 35 • Page ik-page-5129576
Chapter 35
This is a locked chapterChapter 35
About This Chapter
In this short scene, Roxane tries to convince herself that she's not a "predator in a skirt" . She's just trying to make people believe that she isn't as bad as she thinks she is. She tells Roxane that she and Roxane are "in the same boat" , and that they're in love. When Roxane realizes that he's trying to get her to be angry, she tells him to "take it out on me," and he does so. He tells her that the first time he met Roxane, he thought she was a girl, too, and he found her cool and her heart beat faster. He's happy that they can make up, but he still feels insecure if she still has feelings for him. He wonders if he would have to give her up if she were still in love with him.
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A Predator in a Skirt • Chapter 35 • Page ik-page-5129576
Chapter 35
This is a locked chapterChapter 35
About This Chapter
In this short scene, Roxane tries to convince herself that she's not a "predator in a skirt" . She's just trying to make people believe that she isn't as bad as she thinks she is. She tells Roxane that she and Roxane are "in the same boat" , and that they're in love. When Roxane realizes that he's trying to get her to be angry, she tells him to "take it out on me," and he does so. He tells her that the first time he met Roxane, he thought she was a girl, too, and he found her cool and her heart beat faster. He's happy that they can make up, but he still feels insecure if she still has feelings for him. He wonders if he would have to give her up if she were still in love with him.
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