The Governess and the Governess are in the middle of a conversation about the future when the pant pant of the shop pant enters. The pant pant is trying to get the Governress to come to his room, but she refuses. She tells the pant that she would like to see his room as well, and he agrees. He tells her that he wants to meet his family as well. He says that they should first get married, and after that, they can think about their future together. He is looking forward to the future together and says that there is nothing he would not do to secure it. He wants to go to his father and tell him the news, and then he will slip on some clothes
The Governess and the Governess are in the middle of a conversation about the future when the pant pant of the shop pant enters. The pant pant is trying to get the Governress to come to his room, but she refuses. She tells the pant that she would like to see his room as well, and he agrees. He tells her that he wants to meet his family as well. He says that they should first get married, and after that, they can think about their future together. He is looking forward to the future together and says that there is nothing he would not do to secure it. He wants to go to his father and tell him the news, and then he will slip on some clothes