A Predator in a Skirt • Chapter 54 • Page ik-page-5130655
A Predator in a Skirt • Chapter 54 • Page ik-page-5121320
Chapter 54
This is a locked chapterChapter 54
About This Chapter
The scene opens with Hiroyuki's reaction to the sight of his sister, Kyoko, in a skirt. Hiroyuki tries to calm him down, saying that he's not the same man he used to be. He's still in love with Kyoko and wants to marry her, but he doesn't want to get in the way of his love for his sister. He tells Hiroyuki to stop flirting with his sister and to leave her alone. He says that since he was little, all he wanted was to be a younger sister. When he was a little boy, he wanted to be his little brother. He wanted to dress up like a girl so he wouldn't have to worry about his mom. He also wanted to make his brother happy, so he dressed up as a girl to make him happy. Now that he is a grown man, he wants to dress like his sister so he can be proud of who he is. He asks if he can have a little sister, and Hiroyuki says that if he wanted one, he and Kyoko could just get it together. The scene ends with the two of them talking about how sorry they are that they've put up with the whole thing. They say that even if they don't like each other, they're still friends.
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A Predator in a Skirt • Chapter 54 • Page ik-page-5130655
A Predator in a Skirt • Chapter 54 • Page ik-page-5121320
Chapter 54
This is a locked chapterChapter 54
About This Chapter
The scene opens with Hiroyuki's reaction to the sight of his sister, Kyoko, in a skirt. Hiroyuki tries to calm him down, saying that he's not the same man he used to be. He's still in love with Kyoko and wants to marry her, but he doesn't want to get in the way of his love for his sister. He tells Hiroyuki to stop flirting with his sister and to leave her alone. He says that since he was little, all he wanted was to be a younger sister. When he was a little boy, he wanted to be his little brother. He wanted to dress up like a girl so he wouldn't have to worry about his mom. He also wanted to make his brother happy, so he dressed up as a girl to make him happy. Now that he is a grown man, he wants to dress like his sister so he can be proud of who he is. He asks if he can have a little sister, and Hiroyuki says that if he wanted one, he and Kyoko could just get it together. The scene ends with the two of them talking about how sorry they are that they've put up with the whole thing. They say that even if they don't like each other, they're still friends.
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