In this short scene, Hirokazu tells the audience that he was saved from the clutches of a "predator in a skirt" by a young man named Ruchi, who had come to rescue him from a lecherous woman named sumire. The young man, whose name is Ruchi-Ruchi, has won a beauty pageant and is now a member of Ruchi's society. He is a "prominent man" and a "man fawning over thing" . He has won the beauty contest because "she loves sweet things" , and he is afraid that she will find out who he really is if she follows him around. He feels that she is trying to "convince" him that he is a man, and that he should be a "tween girl." He wonders why she would want to follow him around if he is not a man. He fears that she would "find out who I really am" if she followed him around, but he does not know how to react to such a situation. He does not want to be "a woman little anymore," and he feels that he has to do something soon to "retain a sure time with shi
In this short scene, Hirokazu tells the audience that he was saved from the clutches of a "predator in a skirt" by a young man named Ruchi, who had come to rescue him from a lecherous woman named sumire. The young man, whose name is Ruchi-Ruchi, has won a beauty pageant and is now a member of Ruchi's society. He is a "prominent man" and a "man fawning over thing" . He has won the beauty contest because "she loves sweet things" , and he is afraid that she will find out who he really is if she follows him around. He feels that she is trying to "convince" him that he is a man, and that he should be a "tween girl." He wonders why she would want to follow him around if he is not a man. He fears that she would "find out who I really am" if she followed him around, but he does not know how to react to such a situation. He does not want to be "a woman little anymore," and he feels that he has to do something soon to "retain a sure time with shi