A Predator in a Skirt • Chapter 112 • Page ik-page-5131666
Chapter 112
This is a locked chapterChapter 112
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the reader is introduced to a new character, who is introduced as a "feral dog" . The dog is introduced by the narrator, who asks the reader why he still cares about the dog. The narrator tells the reader that he cares because he wants to be with the dog, and that he wishes the dog were a "guy." The dog, however, is not interested in the conversation. He asks the narrator why she is trying to make him talk about the cross-dressing habits of the boy at school, and the narrator tells him that the girl wants him to talk about it. The girl wants the dog to apologize to her for the way he treated her when they drank the night before, and she wants the boy to tell her the truth about what happened
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A Predator in a Skirt • Chapter 112 • Page ik-page-5131666
Chapter 112
This is a locked chapterChapter 112
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the reader is introduced to a new character, who is introduced as a "feral dog" . The dog is introduced by the narrator, who asks the reader why he still cares about the dog. The narrator tells the reader that he cares because he wants to be with the dog, and that he wishes the dog were a "guy." The dog, however, is not interested in the conversation. He asks the narrator why she is trying to make him talk about the cross-dressing habits of the boy at school, and the narrator tells him that the girl wants him to talk about it. The girl wants the dog to apologize to her for the way he treated her when they drank the night before, and she wants the boy to tell her the truth about what happened
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