A Predator in a Skirt • Chapter 49 • Page ik-page-5129570
A Predator in a Skirt • Chapter 49 • Page ik-page-5121231
Chapter 49
This is a locked chapterChapter 49
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we catch up with Hiroyuki, who has just returned from a shopping trip in Japan. He's not feeling well, and Hiroyuki tells him to go home and rest. Hiroyuki suggests that they go shopping, but Hiroyuki refuses, saying that he's too sick to go out on a date. He tells Hiroyuki to wear a mask, because if he gets too close to a girl, she'll find out about it. He also tells her that she's got to wear big boobs, and that she should wear hair down to her shoulders, because people can mask their male physiques. He says that cross dressing is a horror show, because it's like a guy just messing around for fun, and his version is polished. He then tells us about how he was bullied for wearing a mask at school, and how he'd been bullied for it at home. He asks Hiroyuki if he knew about the girl in the skirt, and she says that she didn't, but that it was her little sister. She also asks if there was a brand of makeup in the store, and he says no, but he'll buy her anything she wants once he tells her so. He compares the makeup to pens, and says that he doesn't need anything right now, but if he does, then he will buy it for her. He goes on to say that he knows that Hiroyuki is acting a little different from usual, because he has a part-time job now, so he shouldn't be spending all his time with him. He wonders why he is spending so much time with her, and then he asks what she wants from him.
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A Predator in a Skirt • Chapter 49 • Page ik-page-5129570
A Predator in a Skirt • Chapter 49 • Page ik-page-5121231
Chapter 49
This is a locked chapterChapter 49
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we catch up with Hiroyuki, who has just returned from a shopping trip in Japan. He's not feeling well, and Hiroyuki tells him to go home and rest. Hiroyuki suggests that they go shopping, but Hiroyuki refuses, saying that he's too sick to go out on a date. He tells Hiroyuki to wear a mask, because if he gets too close to a girl, she'll find out about it. He also tells her that she's got to wear big boobs, and that she should wear hair down to her shoulders, because people can mask their male physiques. He says that cross dressing is a horror show, because it's like a guy just messing around for fun, and his version is polished. He then tells us about how he was bullied for wearing a mask at school, and how he'd been bullied for it at home. He asks Hiroyuki if he knew about the girl in the skirt, and she says that she didn't, but that it was her little sister. She also asks if there was a brand of makeup in the store, and he says no, but he'll buy her anything she wants once he tells her so. He compares the makeup to pens, and says that he doesn't need anything right now, but if he does, then he will buy it for her. He goes on to say that he knows that Hiroyuki is acting a little different from usual, because he has a part-time job now, so he shouldn't be spending all his time with him. He wonders why he is spending so much time with her, and then he asks what she wants from him.
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