The scene opens with the next queen, the harem, being carried to the king's palace by a servant. The servant tells her that she has tripped and injured her leg. The harem asks the servant to lead her to the first-aid room, but the servant refuses to do so, saying that his leg is too heavy to be carried in a pant-suit. He then asks her if she is sure she is dead, and she tells him that she is. She then tells the servant that the prince has not paid her any money for her injury, and that he has not wanted to sleep with her because his father had been badly injured, and he would not want to sleep in her company. She tells him to leave her alone, and the servant leaves. He asks if it is okay for the prince to rule without the queen, as it is rumored that the king will soon die. The queen tells him not to worry, as she has no way of doing such a thing, and then the servant knocks on her door. The king has summoned her, and they are to continue their
The scene opens with the next queen, the harem, being carried to the king's palace by a servant. The servant tells her that she has tripped and injured her leg. The harem asks the servant to lead her to the first-aid room, but the servant refuses to do so, saying that his leg is too heavy to be carried in a pant-suit. He then asks her if she is sure she is dead, and she tells him that she is. She then tells the servant that the prince has not paid her any money for her injury, and that he has not wanted to sleep with her because his father had been badly injured, and he would not want to sleep in her company. She tells him to leave her alone, and the servant leaves. He asks if it is okay for the prince to rule without the queen, as it is rumored that the king will soon die. The queen tells him not to worry, as she has no way of doing such a thing, and then the servant knocks on her door. The king has summoned her, and they are to continue their