In the palace, the doctor tells the king that he has found nothing wrong with the king's body. He advises the king to continue his night-time service with Reina and to maintain a good state of health. He asks the doctor what he would say to Reina from this point on. The doctor replies that he would not say anything about the side effects of the potion, but he would certainly say something about how Reina punished him. liana is shocked at the doctor's statement, and she begs him to stop telling her what he has to say. She tells him that she loves the king and that she would never allow him to treat her this way. The king says that he will never allow her to treat him this way, even though he's his brother. He tells her that if she plans to kill him, he will kill her by his hand. He then asks her if she is also a candidate for the future queen. She says that she is, and thanks him for looking after her.
In the palace, the doctor tells the king that he has found nothing wrong with the king's body. He advises the king to continue his night-time service with Reina and to maintain a good state of health. He asks the doctor what he would say to Reina from this point on. The doctor replies that he would not say anything about the side effects of the potion, but he would certainly say something about how Reina punished him. liana is shocked at the doctor's statement, and she begs him to stop telling her what he has to say. She tells him that she loves the king and that she would never allow him to treat her this way. The king says that he will never allow her to treat him this way, even though he's his brother. He tells her that if she plans to kill him, he will kill her by his hand. He then asks her if she is also a candidate for the future queen. She says that she is, and thanks him for looking after her.