
Unparalleled • Chapter 39 Part 2: End • Page ik-page-4588003
Chapter 39 Part 2: End
This is a locked chapterChapter 39 Part 2: End
About This Chapter
A few days later, we reach the defense line. The defense line stretches thousands of miles north of the empire. After passing countless fortresses, we cant be considered as having officially set foot upon the yoland of the rland empire. The young master tells his brothers to spread the word about the town they are about to enter. He invites them to stay the night in the town. He tells them that the town is called "free paradise" because it is under the rule of neither the empire nor the beastsmen empire. He also tells them about the smuggling of contraband. He reminds them that it is a free paradise because there are "hidden dragons and tigers crouching here" .
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Unparalleled • Chapter 39 Part 2: End • Page ik-page-4588003
Chapter 39 Part 2: End
This is a locked chapterChapter 39 Part 2: End
About This Chapter
A few days later, we reach the defense line. The defense line stretches thousands of miles north of the empire. After passing countless fortresses, we cant be considered as having officially set foot upon the yoland of the rland empire. The young master tells his brothers to spread the word about the town they are about to enter. He invites them to stay the night in the town. He tells them that the town is called "free paradise" because it is under the rule of neither the empire nor the beastsmen empire. He also tells them about the smuggling of contraband. He reminds them that it is a free paradise because there are "hidden dragons and tigers crouching here" .
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