
Unparalleled • Chapter 35 Part 1 • Page ik-page-4582303
Chapter 35 Part 1
This is a locked chapterChapter 35 Part 1
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that duan is still a prisoner of love, and that he has been captured by the Muro tribe. The Muro people welcome him, and he tells them that he used to be the king of the north, but now he is "just an idle elf" . He says that he and duan have been fighting on snowy mountain for a hundred years, and now that they are both strong enough to fight, they have to fight. Duan says that it is hard to know who the winner of the fight is, but that if he can't guess it, then he has to fight it. He tells her to stop talking nonsense, and then he says that if she misses a little, they will be shattered
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Unparalleled • Chapter 35 Part 1 • Page ik-page-4582303
Chapter 35 Part 1
This is a locked chapterChapter 35 Part 1
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that duan is still a prisoner of love, and that he has been captured by the Muro tribe. The Muro people welcome him, and he tells them that he used to be the king of the north, but now he is "just an idle elf" . He says that he and duan have been fighting on snowy mountain for a hundred years, and now that they are both strong enough to fight, they have to fight. Duan says that it is hard to know who the winner of the fight is, but that if he can't guess it, then he has to fight it. He tells her to stop talking nonsense, and then he says that if she misses a little, they will be shattered
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