This is a locked chapterChapter 53: The Pathetic Person
About This Chapter
One day, a lonely elephant lives in the forest, and he has lost his tail and his parents have died during the war. One day a black cat comes to the elephant's forest. The elephant feels uncomfortable at first, but the cat tells him that because of its color, it is unlucky, and that humans have abandoned it many times. After a while, the elephant falls asleep, and the cat falls asleep too. Little ting, the cat, wants to go to school, but his grades are not good enough to get into a good school, so he is given the nickname "xiating" . He tells his mother that he will go to a school in Yuchuan next year, since his grades have been good enough for that. He also tells her that he has just had a baby with his mother, who is a mediocre woman. He says that the probability of having a woman with poor grades has also increased, since no one pays much attention to his excellent grades. The night before, he told little ting the fairy tale he had told him. The next day, he will tell the story to his brother.