This is a locked chapterChapter 31: Will You Help Me Chase Him?
About This Chapter
Mi tells the audience that the bite mark on her palm is still there, and that she is the one who bites people at every opportunity. Mi introduces her lover, Linling mai, and his friend, Gu. They are a couple and have been a couple for two weeks. Mi tells them that she has a project to present at the theater the next day, and she would like to come with her to pick a suit for the play. Mi says that since that night, her relationship with tuoyi has not changed one bit. She tells him that she still has feelings for him, that it is not a crime for her to think of it, and finally, that she wants to get married. They discuss how they hope to use the profits from the business competition to provide financial support and strength for the animals in order to survive. Mi asks if Gu is nervous that he cannot remember what he is supposed to say, and he says that he started stuttering halfway through the interview before, and Mi tells him to be calm since they are the first people on stage. Mi confesses that she needs his love, that he is a broken rose, that with his smile and his eyes, she is "singing" her just for me. She asks him to give her more time to eat, and when he does not, she asks him not to rush. She also asks him if he thinks Gu looked good when he came in for his business presentation today.