This is a locked chapterChapter 29: The Corner of Heartbear
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The first round of the university application process consists of a preliminary screening, a second round of interviews, and a third round of a flag-raising ceremony speech. In the first round, the girls discuss the importance of studying in order to gain entrance into the university. The girls decide to take part in an extracurricular activity at the university so that they can improve their chances of getting into the school. They decide to write their class name on a form that they have to submit to the university, but they are interrupted by the arrival of a "big bad wolf" and a "silly cat" who invites "grown men" to live with them. When the girls return from the music room, they are greeted by "pure princess" ling chi, who gives them a white violin and a waterproof bag for their instruments. He also gives them an electric guitar and a speaker, which they use to play music. When she asks him if he has any speakers at home, he replies that he does, and she thanks him for his kindness