In this short scene, we are introduced to Berich, a young man who has just returned from a trip to the countryside in search of his love. He encounters a goose that has been raised by students in agriculture. Berich asks the goose's owner to let it go, but the goose refuses, saying that it reminds him of a pet goose that his family raised when he was a child. The goose belongs to the farmer's house, but Berich tells the owner to take care of it and bring it back to the house. The owner of the goose, Gui, tells Berich that the goose belonged on the farm, but Gui says that they can inform the farmer and someone will return it to the farm. The duck-billed goose, however, does not belong to Gui's family. The Duck quack quack quack, and Berich calls out to the duck to come out of its hiding place. He tells the duck not to be scared, because he will not let it become another duck. He says that the duck's water will soon be boiled away, and he can even braise it in half with potatoes and yam. If the duck dares to harm the duck, he will let everyone know that he is staying in the girl's dormitory, and if he dares, she will let him know that she is hiding in the boys' dormitory. This is not the first time that Gui has killed a duck, but this time, he seems to have done it well.