The next morning, the young master complains that it is snowing heavily in the city where he and Wen are staying. He tells Wen that he has to deal with the fact that the project with thejiang group is important to him, and that the budget for the project is not enough to cover the cost of the project. Wen tells him to give him the new budget or else he will be fired. The young master tells him that he will come over when he is back, but he does not want to bother Wen, so he asks the secretary to come with him to the studio. Wen says that her mother has already given the project to the qiyue group, which is more experienced. She also says that many people have been watching the gu group-jiang group project and that it would affect their company's reputation if she announced it now
The next morning, the young master complains that it is snowing heavily in the city where he and Wen are staying. He tells Wen that he has to deal with the fact that the project with thejiang group is important to him, and that the budget for the project is not enough to cover the cost of the project. Wen tells him to give him the new budget or else he will be fired. The young master tells him that he will come over when he is back, but he does not want to bother Wen, so he asks the secretary to come with him to the studio. Wen says that her mother has already given the project to the qiyue group, which is more experienced. She also says that many people have been watching the gu group-jiang group project and that it would affect their company's reputation if she announced it now