He Said I Am Black Lotus • Chapter 55 • Page ik-page-2676987
He Said I Am Black Lotus • Chapter 55 • Page ik-page-2676988
Chapter 55
This is a locked chapterChapter 55
About This Chapter
"It's fake" is the first thing that springs to mind when the narrator realizes that the ring in Yulan's hand is actually the one in Hetty's. He's so shocked that he can't believe that he's been cheated. He also realizes that Yulan is wearing the ring that Hetty gave him, and that he hates himself for being weak and cowardly. He wonders why Yulan would give him such a fake ring, especially when he hates him so much. He asks why he is crying, and wonders why he has to go to the hospital to be sad. He then asks why wang shuo didn't tell him anything, and he wonders if wang knows how talented his nian is. He tells him that he asked the doctor at the psychologist's office when someone needs to take antidepressants, and the doctor should have shared the information with him, but since he insisted, he should have gotten the information from the doctor. He worries that wang will hurt himself or commit suicide, and asks wang to practice the piano.
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He Said I Am Black Lotus • Chapter 55 • Page ik-page-2676987
He Said I Am Black Lotus • Chapter 55 • Page ik-page-2676988
Chapter 55
This is a locked chapterChapter 55
About This Chapter
"It's fake" is the first thing that springs to mind when the narrator realizes that the ring in Yulan's hand is actually the one in Hetty's. He's so shocked that he can't believe that he's been cheated. He also realizes that Yulan is wearing the ring that Hetty gave him, and that he hates himself for being weak and cowardly. He wonders why Yulan would give him such a fake ring, especially when he hates him so much. He asks why he is crying, and wonders why he has to go to the hospital to be sad. He then asks why wang shuo didn't tell him anything, and he wonders if wang knows how talented his nian is. He tells him that he asked the doctor at the psychologist's office when someone needs to take antidepressants, and the doctor should have shared the information with him, but since he insisted, he should have gotten the information from the doctor. He worries that wang will hurt himself or commit suicide, and asks wang to practice the piano.
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