He Said I Am Black Lotus • Chapter 65 • Page ik-page-2699448
He Said I Am Black Lotus • Chapter 65 • Page ik-page-2699449
Chapter 65
This is a locked chapterChapter 65
About This Chapter
The next morning, the two men are still in the banquet hall, but they have forgotten to take their phones with them. They are worried that they have run out of food, and that they will not be able to get back to the place where they were supposed to meet up with Mr. Gu. The two men try to convince each other that they are not running away from the party, but that they just want to have a little fun with each other. They try to make each other feel like they are having a good time, and then they try to get each other to tell each other what they are up to. They even try to trick each other into thinking they are talking to each other, but in reality they're talking to one another. They're even pretending to be having a conversation when they are actually talking to the other. The men realize that they've run into the wrong guy, and they decide to run away together.
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He Said I Am Black Lotus • Chapter 65 • Page ik-page-2699448
He Said I Am Black Lotus • Chapter 65 • Page ik-page-2699449
Chapter 65
This is a locked chapterChapter 65
About This Chapter
The next morning, the two men are still in the banquet hall, but they have forgotten to take their phones with them. They are worried that they have run out of food, and that they will not be able to get back to the place where they were supposed to meet up with Mr. Gu. The two men try to convince each other that they are not running away from the party, but that they just want to have a little fun with each other. They try to make each other feel like they are having a good time, and then they try to get each other to tell each other what they are up to. They even try to trick each other into thinking they are talking to each other, but in reality they're talking to one another. They're even pretending to be having a conversation when they are actually talking to the other. The men realize that they've run into the wrong guy, and they decide to run away together.
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