In the meantime, the emperor's army has been encamped outside the city walls, and the prisoners are being held in the prison. Worried about his own safety, jingning decides to take the prisoners to his highness. He tells them that the emperor has raided the city, and that his army is in the city. He thanks them for their support, and he promises to help them ascend to the throne as he is his own highness . . The prisoners are confused. They think that wushuang, one of their own guards, has been disguised as the emperor, and they wonder why he is there. They believe that he is the best of their guards, and zhu jinning has led his soldiers into battle. He says that he has avenged his sister's death and that he wants to return to his people. He wants to go back to Guiuming and bid farewell to the people, but he must return to the city after the deaths of traitors.
In the meantime, the emperor's army has been encamped outside the city walls, and the prisoners are being held in the prison. Worried about his own safety, jingning decides to take the prisoners to his highness. He tells them that the emperor has raided the city, and that his army is in the city. He thanks them for their support, and he promises to help them ascend to the throne as he is his own highness . . The prisoners are confused. They think that wushuang, one of their own guards, has been disguised as the emperor, and they wonder why he is there. They believe that he is the best of their guards, and zhu jinning has led his soldiers into battle. He says that he has avenged his sister's death and that he wants to return to his people. He wants to go back to Guiuming and bid farewell to the people, but he must return to the city after the deaths of traitors.