The emperor's servant, daolin, tells the emperor that Shulving and Yelving have run away. The younger brother of the new princess has died, and the emperor has no choice but to bury the two together. The emperor asks daolin if he is satisfied with that, and daolin replies that he is not satisfied with anything. He asks if he has no feelings for him, and he replies that his body tells him the truth. He then asks the emperor why he is so concerned about the current affairs. He says that the emperor just got married, and that he wants to help him ease some burden. He has some interesting items for the new wife, and if the emperor agrees, he will have someone send the gifts to her as gifts with his sincerity.
The emperor's servant, daolin, tells the emperor that Shulving and Yelving have run away. The younger brother of the new princess has died, and the emperor has no choice but to bury the two together. The emperor asks daolin if he is satisfied with that, and daolin replies that he is not satisfied with anything. He asks if he has no feelings for him, and he replies that his body tells him the truth. He then asks the emperor why he is so concerned about the current affairs. He says that the emperor just got married, and that he wants to help him ease some burden. He has some interesting items for the new wife, and if the emperor agrees, he will have someone send the gifts to her as gifts with his sincerity.