Mermaid's Egg

Mermaid's Egg • Chapter 85 • Page ik-page-2891510
Mermaid's Egg • Chapter 85 • Page ik-page-2891520
Mermaid's Egg • Chapter 85 • Page ik-page-2891515
Mermaid's Egg • Chapter 85 • Page ik-page-2891536
Chapter 85
This is a locked chapterChapter 85
About This Chapter
As soon as the priest returns from the jungle, the sea king rushes to find him, but the priest has injured the wizard. The sea king tells the priest that he admires the wizard's courage for love, but he is sick of hearing that the priest loves him. The village chief is ill, and she has tried to say something, but she has burned her throat and lips. She is still alive, and the priest is a good doctor. He slaps her and she will recover in seven days
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Mermaid's Egg

Mermaid's Egg • Chapter 85 • Page ik-page-2891510
Mermaid's Egg • Chapter 85 • Page ik-page-2891520
Mermaid's Egg • Chapter 85 • Page ik-page-2891515
Mermaid's Egg • Chapter 85 • Page ik-page-2891536
Chapter 85
This is a locked chapterChapter 85
About This Chapter
As soon as the priest returns from the jungle, the sea king rushes to find him, but the priest has injured the wizard. The sea king tells the priest that he admires the wizard's courage for love, but he is sick of hearing that the priest loves him. The village chief is ill, and she has tried to say something, but she has burned her throat and lips. She is still alive, and the priest is a good doctor. He slaps her and she will recover in seven days
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