Now that the priest is a priest, he's been looking for the records of his predecessor. He's found a mysterious entrance into an ancient ruin, but he doesn't know what to do with it. Maybe they can go back to the lake where they met the first time, and find out what happened to Caius Martius. The priest thinks that maybe they can have a new adventure together, and maybe they'll find the place where they first fell in love. He thinks that perhaps they could go back and tell each other the story of how they met, and then he'll be able to figure out what's wrong with him. He wants to know what happened with the pearl, and he wants to find out the truth about what happened. He also wants to learn the truth of what happened in the lake, and what happened there. He knows that he can't ask Caius to tell him the whole story, because it'll make him even more worried. But he also knows that it's not too late, because he still wants to be with him, and they can still find a way to get back together. But now, he realizes, he knows Caius's "completely different side" , and that's why they're not able to get along. He realizes that Caius is used to disappointment, and this can make him "discourage for anyone" . And now he realizes that he has wronged Caius by pushing him away when he realized how anxious he was.
Now that the priest is a priest, he's been looking for the records of his predecessor. He's found a mysterious entrance into an ancient ruin, but he doesn't know what to do with it. Maybe they can go back to the lake where they met the first time, and find out what happened to Caius Martius. The priest thinks that maybe they can have a new adventure together, and maybe they'll find the place where they first fell in love. He thinks that perhaps they could go back and tell each other the story of how they met, and then he'll be able to figure out what's wrong with him. He wants to know what happened with the pearl, and he wants to find out the truth about what happened. He also wants to learn the truth of what happened in the lake, and what happened there. He knows that he can't ask Caius to tell him the whole story, because it'll make him even more worried. But he also knows that it's not too late, because he still wants to be with him, and they can still find a way to get back together. But now, he realizes, he knows Caius's "completely different side" , and that's why they're not able to get along. He realizes that Caius is used to disappointment, and this can make him "discourage for anyone" . And now he realizes that he has wronged Caius by pushing him away when he realized how anxious he was.