The next morning, the two young men go to the tomb, where they find Nemo's body in the hole. Nemo explains that the hole is like a car's rear-view mirror, and that avoiding it is like avoiding a road. He tells the young men that he's just a tool in the war machine, and they should hurry up and save the boy before he gets too close to them. The young men rush off to find Nemo, and Nemo tells them that he can't believe how fast they're running. He says that he feels pressure inside the black hole, and he feels the pressure of the "relic" on his own eyes. He's worried that something bad is going to happen to him, but he doesn't want them to find the boy, because he has a plan.
The next morning, the two young men go to the tomb, where they find Nemo's body in the hole. Nemo explains that the hole is like a car's rear-view mirror, and that avoiding it is like avoiding a road. He tells the young men that he's just a tool in the war machine, and they should hurry up and save the boy before he gets too close to them. The young men rush off to find Nemo, and Nemo tells them that he can't believe how fast they're running. He says that he feels pressure inside the black hole, and he feels the pressure of the "relic" on his own eyes. He's worried that something bad is going to happen to him, but he doesn't want them to find the boy, because he has a plan.