The Broken Star

The Broken Star • Chapter 63 • Page ik-page-1578439
The Broken Star • Chapter 63 • Page ik-page-1578410
The Broken Star • Chapter 63 • Page ik-page-1578438
The Broken Star • Chapter 63 • Page ik-page-1578422
The Broken Star • Chapter 63 • Page ik-page-1578461
The Broken Star • Chapter 63 • Page ik-page-1578426
Chapter 63
This is a locked chapterChapter 63
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we learn that Shu Xin has returned to her old career as a prostitute, but she has not had the same success as before. She has taken on a lot of debt to pay for her lavish lifestyle, and she is worried about her family's reaction to her success. She asks Shu Xin to help her by pushing over guangyue into the crowd of fireworks. Shu Xin agrees to this mission and gives the family the money they need to help him.
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The Broken Star

The Broken Star • Chapter 63 • Page ik-page-1578439
The Broken Star • Chapter 63 • Page ik-page-1578410
The Broken Star • Chapter 63 • Page ik-page-1578438
The Broken Star • Chapter 63 • Page ik-page-1578422
The Broken Star • Chapter 63 • Page ik-page-1578461
The Broken Star • Chapter 63 • Page ik-page-1578426
Chapter 63
This is a locked chapterChapter 63
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we learn that Shu Xin has returned to her old career as a prostitute, but she has not had the same success as before. She has taken on a lot of debt to pay for her lavish lifestyle, and she is worried about her family's reaction to her success. She asks Shu Xin to help her by pushing over guangyue into the crowd of fireworks. Shu Xin agrees to this mission and gives the family the money they need to help him.
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