In this short scene, the audience is introduced to a new character named chunhua, who is introduced as the "game genius" of the show. Intrigued by snatches of information from the show, s/he devises a game plan. Each guest will receive a paper crane, with a task written on it, and each person will be assigned a task to complete. The tasks will be written on the paper cranes and the group will gather at the village entrance to play the game. .
In this short scene, the audience is introduced to a new character named chunhua, who is introduced as the "game genius" of the show. Intrigued by snatches of information from the show, s/he devises a game plan. Each guest will receive a paper crane, with a task written on it, and each person will be assigned a task to complete. The tasks will be written on the paper cranes and the group will gather at the village entrance to play the game. .