The next morning, the two of them go for a walk together. When they arrive, they find that the police officer has gone out to get a massage. The two are surprised to find that they have come to the same spot the day before. The police officer asks the two to sit and talk, and they agree to do so. They talk about the previous day, when they were on the roof, and the two realize that they are more than just "colleagues" . They feel like they are "more than just colleagues" because they have been "hurt in love before"
The next morning, the two of them go for a walk together. When they arrive, they find that the police officer has gone out to get a massage. The two are surprised to find that they have come to the same spot the day before. The police officer asks the two to sit and talk, and they agree to do so. They talk about the previous day, when they were on the roof, and the two realize that they are more than just "colleagues" . They feel like they are "more than just colleagues" because they have been "hurt in love before"