In this short scene, we are introduced to Little Nemo and his friend, Lee-dae-sung. Little Nemo has not yet eaten lunch, but he is eager to do so, as he feels "enchanted" by the food in the lunch box that the sunbae has given him. He asks where the box came from, and learns that it is a lunch box delivered by the woman whom he loves. He also learns that the box contains a "pot belly" , which is a kind of meat that is cooked in a pot and then eaten. He is angry that the woman who he loves has made such a mess of him, and he threatens to kill her with his own hands if she tries to "mess with her" . He tells Little Nemo that he will send him flying with only one punch if he does not stop fighting with her. The two of them are eating lunch together, and Little Nemo wants to know why he is eating lunch with the woman that he loves
In this short scene, we are introduced to Little Nemo and his friend, Lee-dae-sung. Little Nemo has not yet eaten lunch, but he is eager to do so, as he feels "enchanted" by the food in the lunch box that the sunbae has given him. He asks where the box came from, and learns that it is a lunch box delivered by the woman whom he loves. He also learns that the box contains a "pot belly" , which is a kind of meat that is cooked in a pot and then eaten. He is angry that the woman who he loves has made such a mess of him, and he threatens to kill her with his own hands if she tries to "mess with her" . He tells Little Nemo that he will send him flying with only one punch if he does not stop fighting with her. The two of them are eating lunch together, and Little Nemo wants to know why he is eating lunch with the woman that he loves