LDK 1-18

LDK 1-18 • #24 Fighting Hosts • Page ik-page-486136
LDK 1-18 • #24 Fighting Hosts • Page ik-page-486131
LDK 1-18 • #24 Fighting Hosts • Page ik-page-486139
LDK 1-18 • #24 Fighting Hosts • Page ik-page-486128
LDK 1-18 • #24 Fighting Hosts • Page ik-page-486112
#24 Fighting Hosts
This is a locked chapter#24 Fighting Hosts
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we learn that Hiroshi is out of town, and that he's been flirting with a girl named Selia. Hiroshi tells Selia that he loves her, but that he doesn't know how to express his love to her. He's worried that she's having an affair with a guy named Kyuyama, and he wants her to marry him. Selia, however, is not having any of this. She's married to a man named Shusei, and she and Hiroshi have been living together for a long time.
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LDK 1-18

LDK 1-18 • #24 Fighting Hosts • Page ik-page-486136
LDK 1-18 • #24 Fighting Hosts • Page ik-page-486131
LDK 1-18 • #24 Fighting Hosts • Page ik-page-486139
LDK 1-18 • #24 Fighting Hosts • Page ik-page-486128
LDK 1-18 • #24 Fighting Hosts • Page ik-page-486112
#24 Fighting Hosts
This is a locked chapter#24 Fighting Hosts
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we learn that Hiroshi is out of town, and that he's been flirting with a girl named Selia. Hiroshi tells Selia that he loves her, but that he doesn't know how to express his love to her. He's worried that she's having an affair with a guy named Kyuyama, and he wants her to marry him. Selia, however, is not having any of this. She's married to a man named Shusei, and she and Hiroshi have been living together for a long time.
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