The next morning, the two of them head to a nearby bathhouse, where they plan to spend the night. As they wait for the guests to arrive, they discuss their plans for the next day. They decide to go for a walk together, and when they arrive at the house, they find that the guests have already left. The two men decide to eat breakfast together before going to bed. When they return to the hotel, they discover that the other guests have left, and the two men are left alone together in the hallway. The men discuss what has happened in the past few days, and they decide that the previous night's events must have been a wake-up call for them.
The next morning, the two of them head to a nearby bathhouse, where they plan to spend the night. As they wait for the guests to arrive, they discuss their plans for the next day. They decide to go for a walk together, and when they arrive at the house, they find that the guests have already left. The two men decide to eat breakfast together before going to bed. When they return to the hotel, they discover that the other guests have left, and the two men are left alone together in the hallway. The men discuss what has happened in the past few days, and they decide that the previous night's events must have been a wake-up call for them.