In this short scene, we are introduced to the protagonist, Tanaka, and his friend, Lingxiang. Tanaka is an exchange student from China who has come to Japan to study mahjong. He is shocked to learn that Lingxiang is a member of the top three of the kakioka mahjong club and has been to the national mahjong tournament as a representative of the club. He also learns that the three of them are planning to prevent junior from touching any of the tiles in the tournament. Lingxiang, however, is confident that he has the upper hand and wins the match.
In this short scene, we are introduced to the protagonist, Tanaka, and his friend, Lingxiang. Tanaka is an exchange student from China who has come to Japan to study mahjong. He is shocked to learn that Lingxiang is a member of the top three of the kakioka mahjong club and has been to the national mahjong tournament as a representative of the club. He also learns that the three of them are planning to prevent junior from touching any of the tiles in the tournament. Lingxiang, however, is confident that he has the upper hand and wins the match.