No Matter How Much I Cum, Satou Won’t Let Go! Which Do You Prefer, Fingers or Tongue? • Chapter 35 • Page ik-page-4591750
Chapter 35
This is a locked chapterChapter 35
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we are introduced to ba-dump, a young woman who has fallen in love with a man named satou. We learn that satou is a "girl friend" and that he has been making love to her since she was a little girl. We are also introduced to the girl's friend, chiaki, and we are told that chiaki has been "making" her a "friend" and "girl" . In this brief scene, the girl tells us that she is grateful to chiaki for making her a friend and that she wishes that she could be her "boyfriend" like chiaki. The girl is very excited to play with the lingerie that she has just purchased, and she is very fond of the way that the button on the bottom of the lingerie is "jerking" her around the belly. She is very happy to be able to do this with the buttons on the back of the underwear.
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No Matter How Much I Cum, Satou Won’t Let Go! Which Do You Prefer, Fingers or Tongue? • Chapter 35 • Page ik-page-4591750
Chapter 35
This is a locked chapterChapter 35
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we are introduced to ba-dump, a young woman who has fallen in love with a man named satou. We learn that satou is a "girl friend" and that he has been making love to her since she was a little girl. We are also introduced to the girl's friend, chiaki, and we are told that chiaki has been "making" her a "friend" and "girl" . In this brief scene, the girl tells us that she is grateful to chiaki for making her a friend and that she wishes that she could be her "boyfriend" like chiaki. The girl is very excited to play with the lingerie that she has just purchased, and she is very fond of the way that the button on the bottom of the lingerie is "jerking" her around the belly. She is very happy to be able to do this with the buttons on the back of the underwear.
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