The scene opens at the celestial palace of the emperor of the yan state, where the people of the state are trying to get revenge for the death of the prince of chenzhongqi. The emperor tells the manager of the palace that he is afraid of haoan, because he has reduced the power of the marquis over the years. The manager tells him that the prime minister of yan has suddenly died the day before. He tells her that he needs to find a list of officials for the autumn ceremony, and that he will mark the names on the list. He is relieved to hear that she is not meeting her lover at the palace. She tells him to mind his language, as he is just one of her old friends. The widow tells him not to disgrace her family, because she is wasting her time
The scene opens at the celestial palace of the emperor of the yan state, where the people of the state are trying to get revenge for the death of the prince of chenzhongqi. The emperor tells the manager of the palace that he is afraid of haoan, because he has reduced the power of the marquis over the years. The manager tells him that the prime minister of yan has suddenly died the day before. He tells her that he needs to find a list of officials for the autumn ceremony, and that he will mark the names on the list. He is relieved to hear that she is not meeting her lover at the palace. She tells him to mind his language, as he is just one of her old friends. The widow tells him not to disgrace her family, because she is wasting her time