After the morning assembly, the Governess is pleased to see that the dog behaved well. The Governess asks the dog if he did anything wrong, and the dog responds that he did. She tells the dog that he was too hungry to eat, and that she will find him by the next day. She also tells him that he is a "damn dog" and that he should apologize to her. The dog barks at her, and she calls him a pervert. She scolds him for not being able to communicate with the other children, and instructs him to return to class at lunchtime. She says that she has learned to teach him sign language from her aunt, and asks him not to touch her
After the morning assembly, the Governess is pleased to see that the dog behaved well. The Governess asks the dog if he did anything wrong, and the dog responds that he did. She tells the dog that he was too hungry to eat, and that she will find him by the next day. She also tells him that he is a "damn dog" and that he should apologize to her. The dog barks at her, and she calls him a pervert. She scolds him for not being able to communicate with the other children, and instructs him to return to class at lunchtime. She says that she has learned to teach him sign language from her aunt, and asks him not to touch her