In this short scene, we are introduced to the protagonist, Park Eun-joon. He is a young dog who has been adopted by a family in the forest. He has come to live with the family because he is afraid that they will kill him if he does not comply with their wishes. As he is about to leave the house, he hears a car approaching. He realizes that the car is a pack of wolves, and he rushes to the front of the pack to help them escape.
In this short scene, we are introduced to the protagonist, Park Eun-joon. He is a young dog who has been adopted by a family in the forest. He has come to live with the family because he is afraid that they will kill him if he does not comply with their wishes. As he is about to leave the house, he hears a car approaching. He realizes that the car is a pack of wolves, and he rushes to the front of the pack to help them escape.