Broken Boy [Mature] • Chapter 56 • Page ik-page-4461044
Broken Boy [Mature] • Chapter 56 • Page ik-page-4461045
Broken Boy [Mature] • Chapter 56 • Page ik-page-4461046
Broken Boy [Mature] • Chapter 56 • Page ik-page-4461047
Chapter 56
This is a locked chapterChapter 56
About This Chapter
The next morning, the prosecutor tells Yeoh-Cheol that he has found a witness for the post office bomb case and the assassination, but he is unable to find solid evidence for either case. The two of them decide to go for a walk together the next day, and the next morning the two men drink together and talk about the past few days. The prosecutor says that he met Soo-Seng at the pub, and that he is now the closest person to him. He says that the reason why Soo-Seung was unable to recover for so long was that Soo-Hyun did everything for him. The reason why he couldn't get better was because Soo-Sheung was in love with Soo-Heung, and Soo-Hao was trying to push him away and replace him as the heir to Yeoh's throne. Yeoh asks if she can come in for a while, and she says that she doesn't want her father in law to disturb her. She says that her "illness" gets worse in the winter, so she wants to know why she needs to come in. She gives her mother a doll house and asks her to open it.
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Broken Boy [Mature] • Chapter 56 • Page ik-page-4461044
Broken Boy [Mature] • Chapter 56 • Page ik-page-4461045
Broken Boy [Mature] • Chapter 56 • Page ik-page-4461046
Broken Boy [Mature] • Chapter 56 • Page ik-page-4461047
Chapter 56
This is a locked chapterChapter 56
About This Chapter
The next morning, the prosecutor tells Yeoh-Cheol that he has found a witness for the post office bomb case and the assassination, but he is unable to find solid evidence for either case. The two of them decide to go for a walk together the next day, and the next morning the two men drink together and talk about the past few days. The prosecutor says that he met Soo-Seng at the pub, and that he is now the closest person to him. He says that the reason why Soo-Seung was unable to recover for so long was that Soo-Hyun did everything for him. The reason why he couldn't get better was because Soo-Sheung was in love with Soo-Heung, and Soo-Hao was trying to push him away and replace him as the heir to Yeoh's throne. Yeoh asks if she can come in for a while, and she says that she doesn't want her father in law to disturb her. She says that her "illness" gets worse in the winter, so she wants to know why she needs to come in. She gives her mother a doll house and asks her to open it.
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