Drifting Dragons 1-14

Drifting Dragons 1-14 • Flight 54 Truth Within the Mists • Page ik-page-3679558
Drifting Dragons 1-14 • Flight 54 Truth Within the Mists • Page ik-page-3679559
Drifting Dragons 1-14 • Flight 54 Truth Within the Mists • Page ik-page-3679560
Drifting Dragons 1-14 • Flight 54 Truth Within the Mists • Page ik-page-3679561
Flight 54 Truth Within the Mists
This is a locked chapterFlight 54 Truth Within the Mists
About This Chapter
The airship is covered in smoke and the city looks like a "ghost town" . The three airship crew members decide to stay in the airship's cabin to escape the smoke. They tell the others that they've joined a "draking crew" and that they know exactly what their "bad little heart desires" are. They're glad that one of them has managed to make it back to the airship in one piece. The airship crew decides to take turns breathing in the air and using oxygen to mask their nose and mouth. They also decide to bring a crewmate to look for Vanabelle.
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Drifting Dragons 1-14

Drifting Dragons 1-14 • Flight 54 Truth Within the Mists • Page ik-page-3679558
Drifting Dragons 1-14 • Flight 54 Truth Within the Mists • Page ik-page-3679559
Drifting Dragons 1-14 • Flight 54 Truth Within the Mists • Page ik-page-3679560
Drifting Dragons 1-14 • Flight 54 Truth Within the Mists • Page ik-page-3679561
Flight 54 Truth Within the Mists
This is a locked chapterFlight 54 Truth Within the Mists
About This Chapter
The airship is covered in smoke and the city looks like a "ghost town" . The three airship crew members decide to stay in the airship's cabin to escape the smoke. They tell the others that they've joined a "draking crew" and that they know exactly what their "bad little heart desires" are. They're glad that one of them has managed to make it back to the airship in one piece. The airship crew decides to take turns breathing in the air and using oxygen to mask their nose and mouth. They also decide to bring a crewmate to look for Vanabelle.
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