The next morning, the captain and lieutenant are waiting in line for uniforms. The captain tells the lieutenant that they're going to build a tent for their new lieutenant, who's a little shy. The lieutenant asks the captain if he can show him around and stuff, and the captain says he can, but he's not going to pay him any attention. He's going to beat one of the new recruits, the lieutenant tells the captain, and then he and the lieutenant head back to the barracks to get drunk.
The next morning, the captain and lieutenant are waiting in line for uniforms. The captain tells the lieutenant that they're going to build a tent for their new lieutenant, who's a little shy. The lieutenant asks the captain if he can show him around and stuff, and the captain says he can, but he's not going to pay him any attention. He's going to beat one of the new recruits, the lieutenant tells the captain, and then he and the lieutenant head back to the barracks to get drunk.