In this chapter, we are introduced to the protagonist, a young boy who has been orphaned by his father. He has been living with his mother in a small town in central Japan, and his father, a wealthy businessman, is a frequent visitor at the house. The protagonist's father, Tamura, is very angry with his son because he believes that Tamura is not worthy of his son's love. Tamura tells his son that his father is going to discipline him and "pour milk all over" him. When the protagonist asks his father why he would hit him, his father responds that he loves his son, and that he would never do such a thing
In this chapter, we are introduced to the protagonist, a young boy who has been orphaned by his father. He has been living with his mother in a small town in central Japan, and his father, a wealthy businessman, is a frequent visitor at the house. The protagonist's father, Tamura, is very angry with his son because he believes that Tamura is not worthy of his son's love. Tamura tells his son that his father is going to discipline him and "pour milk all over" him. When the protagonist asks his father why he would hit him, his father responds that he loves his son, and that he would never do such a thing