In this chapter, we are introduced to the protagonist, a young man named Hiroyuki, who is a member of the school's honor society. Hiroyuki is a student who has just graduated from college, and he has just received a letter from his father saying that he has been expelled from the school because of his sexual promiscuity. The letter is addressed to Hiroyuki's father, who has sent Hiroyuki away to live with his mother. The father is shocked at the news of his son's expulsion, but Hiroyuki assures him that his son will be fine.
In this chapter, we are introduced to the protagonist, a young man named Hiroyuki, who is a member of the school's honor society. Hiroyuki is a student who has just graduated from college, and he has just received a letter from his father saying that he has been expelled from the school because of his sexual promiscuity. The letter is addressed to Hiroyuki's father, who has sent Hiroyuki away to live with his mother. The father is shocked at the news of his son's expulsion, but Hiroyuki assures him that his son will be fine.